Beauty tips are we all read on the internet are a bit strange sometimes. Here in this post we will be sharing some of the tips that might sound a little strange and unusual but they can make a huge difference in your beauty routine. Most of the beauty treatments and tips we find online are for girls, but sometimes guys need to use them as well. So let’s not waste any of your precious time and get started with some strangest and proven skin care tips for women.
Beauty tip #1: use a tablespoon for puffiness
Have some complain about the puffiness around your eyes? Well to get rid of it, you can use simply a simple teaspoon. Yes! The one you use to eat. You can put it in the fridge for some time like 5 minutes and when it’s cold enough, use it as a proven method to get rid and reduce the puffiness.
Beauty tip #2: cucumber and potatoes to reduce swelling on face
You can also use slices of cucumber or a potato to solve this same problem. It’s strange, but the spoon treatment is very good to cure and reduce the swelling around your eyes.
Beauty tip #3: easy and natural scrub
Well, it’s summer and chilling in the sun on a beach is a wonderful way to spend your holiday. You can make an easy scrub while you are on the holiday, relaxing on the beach. Scrub your body with the sand mixed with water. It is a natural and perfectly healthy way. Well, strangest of all things you can do on the beach!
Beauty tip #4: highlights using lemon juice
Highlights using lemon juice? Ever heard of it, no! Well, you might feel strange but it can be used to create natural hair highlights. You have to mix the lemon juice with an equal proportion of 1:1 with water and apply it to a thin section of hair and just sit under the sun for some time. The acid in the lemon juice will react with the sun rays and will help to lighten your hair. The highlights are extremely natural.
Beauty tip #5: whiten your teeth with strawberry
Now you can whiten your teeth with the help of strawberry. A good and tasty delight can be beneficial for your teeth. You can take a strawberry and rub it on your teeth or mashup it with your toothpaste. Dip your brush in the mixture and apply it to your teeth, brush them. If you do it a couple of times, you will see some significant changes in your teeth, they will be whiter than before, all this is because of the acidic content in this small delightful fruit.
After you are done, make sure that you rinse your mouth properly.
Beauty tip #5: pimples!
Toothpaste for pimples is a definite yes! It may sound weird for most of the people, but it works and is much more effective than other methods. Apply a small amount of paste to your pimples and get rid of that uncomfortable and disgusting problem.
Beauty tip #6: Red wine for a beautiful skin
Wine can be used for many purposes and we believe none of us might have this in mind that it can be used for bathing. Well, Teri Hatcher adds red wine to the bath to soften her skin. Strange isn’t it?
Beauty tip #7: ketchup!
Well, it’s strange but some celebs tips may be a bit eccentric. Sienna Miller fixes
hair color flaws with ketchup. You can use it to but for more good results use henna.